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Hej! Visit to the Venice of Scandinavia.

Hej- Hi in swedish. So as planned I went this week-end to Stockholm with 3 of my favorite friends. The feeling of being in the top of the world (as in from a North-South perspective) was totally unbelievable. Such an amazing experience, I really love how there’s water everywhere 🙂 Yes, we’ve got the Thames here in London-but that’s not the same thing. The Venice of Scandinavia is much more different. What I enoyed the most ? The friendly people and the pretty monuments. And what I disliked ? Umm I would say the cold but that shouldn’t even prevent you from visiting Stockholm. Forget about the clichés, Sweden is not completely covered by snow and chances are you won’t turn into a snowman while there (maybe half a snowman but who cares ? You’re in Scandinaaaaviaaa man). 

Ah Scandinavia! The mooses, the Dalecarlian horse, the Aurora Baurealis. Yes please.Image