Healthy Tiramisu
Tiramisu is one of my favorite recipes, and also one of my mom’s. It’s also one of the few recipes I have already prepared with my brother, and it is relatively easy to make, since no oven is required. However, the originak recipe calls for lots of mascarpone, eggs and sugar. Hence, it’s quite heavy and…well, not something I would eat everyday 🙂 You know I like to bring twists to original recipes, so I came up with this. Ricotta cheese is one of my favorite. I always get the reduced fat version, which is like 280 calories per cup, and always have to try not to eat the entire…
4 Handy Advices to Use in the Kitchen
Using the kitchen can be messy; trust me, I bake. But I have also learned a few things along the way to make the whole experience more enjoyable. Hope you put these into place and cook succulent dishes 🙂 1- Wash the dishes as you cook/bake It is tempting to leave everything until the end – but you’ll just end up with a mountain of dirty plates and molds in the sink. If you have a dishwasher, put the washable dishes in there. If not, try to wash everything you use as soon as possible. Plus, you won’t have to suffer trying to remove 2– Place food in freezer bags…
“Msemen” or “rghaif” are a moroccan “crepe” made with mainly fine semolina. We usually eat them with a mix of melted butter and honey, but they’re good on their own as well, especially when still warm. Since I came to Canada, I like to put maple syrup on them. What’s nice with those crepes is that they can be veganized (if you use margarine or vegan butter) and only need 3 or 4 ingredients: fine semolina, flour, butter or margaribe, and sunflower oil (I personally only used margarine). When I lived in London, it was impossible to find them anywhere, and I wished I had tried making them sooner as…