
Chocolate cupcakes

Chocolate is those kind of things most either love or hate, but I’m more of a “middle” kind of girl. I enjoy my chocolate, but can live without it (sorry chocolate addicts). Made these cupcakes the other day with an amaaazing icing which you can find in my previous post. 
Chocolate cupcakes (makes 8)

Look at this. Perfection.


1 cup flour // 1/2 cup cocoa powder // 3/4 cup sugar // 1 medium egg and 2 tbsp egg white or  2 small eggs // 1 tsp baking powder // 8g vanilla sugar // freshly brewed coffee (1 cup) // 1/4 cup sunflower oil // a pinch of salt


Mix all the dry and wet ingredients in separate bowls, then add them together // Mix well to avoid any lumps // bake for about 25 min at 180C/370F