Drinks,  Non classé

Creamy White Hot Chocolate

Ok so guys. My roomate hates dark chocolate, and I decided to make a rich and creamy hot chocolate but with white chocolate. This is probably the best white chocolate recipe I’ve ever made. Sweet. Creamy. Creamy. And have I said creamy ? Now let’s not talk too much and let’s get straight to the point.


– 1 cup 2% milk

– 1/2 cup 35% cream

– 3/4 tsp vanilla extract

– 1 tsp corn starch

– 40g white chocolate


1. Add the cream and milk to a pan, on low to medium heat. Then add the vanilla extract.

2. Melt the white chocolate and add it to the pan.

3. Add the corn starch and mix well. Let it simmer for a bit until it starts boiling.

4. Serve with some whipped cream and cookies 🙂