
Spirulina Green Superbowl

IMG_20160129_153305455Ok. So. Had a little trouble finding the perfect name for this dish. All green and natural, I mean come on! And tasty. Gluten free, vegan, vegetarian. All this. It’s the bomb 🙂 I added spirulina at the very end, opening my cupboard and thinking ‘I do need more protein in there’. For you who don’t know, spirulina is very rich in iron and proteins, and it is a vegan friendly option – you can use it in smoothies, yoghurts etc 🙂 The powder is very green though. Like very very green, so take extra care when handling it. You don’t want your whole kitchen to turn green. You really don’t. Anyway, enough talk, let the fun begin!


  • Two large courgettes
  • 7 heaped tablespoons of broad beans
  • 4 cups of broccoli, chopped in small pieces
  • 2 teaspoons of spirulina powder
  • Olive oil, for frying
  • Cumin and onion granules to taste
  • Optional: some salt
  • 3 tablespoon of soy cooking cream (can be substituted by a dairy based cream)



  • Wash and cut the courgette – you can either dice it or cut it in long pieces as I didIMG_20160129_151358
  • Put some oil in a frying pan. When it’s ready, throw the courgette pieces and fry for a while
  • PS: add some water so the food doesn’t dry out while cooking
  • Chop the broccolis in small pieces
  • Add the broad beans, then the chopped broccolis 
  • IMG_20160129_152421
  • Add the soy cooking cream and mix everything
  • Add the cumin and onion granules
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  • Finally, add the spirulina powder and mix everything well. Let it simmer for about 2 min so all the flavors mix up 🙂
  • You can add more olive oil at the end, once the dish is cooked, to add more flavor


As usual, let me know in the comments what you think and how the dish can be enchanced!