Since I moved to Canada, I’ve been so obsessed with fall, and doing all the activities related to it. It’s probably because I have always lived in countries where the fall season is not that obvious. I am still amazed at the beautiful orange/red/yellow shades of leaves. To celebrate fall and pumpkins, I prepared these cupcakes the other day. Look at this cute little tower (NB: they may or may not have fell after I took this picture). Here is the recipe 🙂 Ingredients 1/2 cup of wholewheat flour // 1/4 cup of white flour // 1tsp of baking powder // 40g of brown sugar // 2 egg whites…
5 reasons why I say yes to solo trips (and you should, too)
I honestly cannot count the number of times I’ve heard people say “oh, I really wish I could go there and there, but I have no on to go with and blah blah blah”. I believe that you’ll only go so far in life if you believe you can’t have fun by yourself. Constantly depending on others or looking down on those me-time will never make you happy. Learn how to have fun by yourself first, and then learn how to have fun with others. In this order. I’m not saying it is easy. For instance, there is still this big stigma of eating alone in a restaurant for example. Well,…