
7 Healthy Snacks Ideas

Who doesn’t love snacking ? Definitely not me! I snack all the time. In our busy lives, it’s easy to buy some chips or sweet “energy” bars (which are definitely more like treats!) at the serving machine but these don’t live you satiated and they’re full of nasty stuff. Not what you body needs. Here are 7 easy on-the-go snacks you can make at home and take with you 🙂

  1. Rice cakes with cottage or cheese and tuna
  2. Some low-fat cheese, tortilla chips and grapes
  3. Toast with peanut butter and strawberries
  4. Toast with mashed avocado and boiled egg
  5. Protein chocolate-peanut butter smoothie
  6. Rice cakes with avocado and salmon
  7. Tortilla wrap with egg whites, and bell pepper


Ray Ray xoxo