• Desserts,  Food

    Raisins – Speculoos Parfait

    Everything involving Speculoos is a good thing. Just pike this yoghurt parfait for example. Sweet, full of goodness (Speculoos are good for the mind right ?) and damn so pretty. This is quite rich, so perfect as a cheat. I actually got this idea while doing my groceries. For foodies, the supermarket aisle is a temple 🙏 Ingredients (serves 1) 2/3 cup greek yoghurt (or yoghurt of choice) (sub for any plant based yoghurt for the vegab version ) // 2 tbsp raisins // 2 Speculoos // 2 tbsp honey or maple syrup for the vegan version Instructions In your cup of choice, put a layer of yoghurt (1/3 cup)…

  • How-to

    Buttercream (chocolate and vanilla)

    Let’s talk about buttercream. I love it because it’s very versatile and easy to make. The butter to icing sugar ratio I normally follow is 1:3. Of course, you can also add some vanilla extract, milk or maple syrup to taste. Or you could substitute some icing sugar for cocoa powder.  Just make sure the cream stays consistent, cause a cream that’s too liquid wouldn’t set very well of course. Also, it’s always a nice idea to put the icing if thr fridge for 30 min before putting it on the cupcakes or cake, so that it sets properly.  Chocolate buttercream (8 cupcakes): 3 tbsp cocoa powder // 1/2 cup…

  • Food

    Simple Vegan Pancakes (without banana)

    I love pancakes. Among my fondest childhood memories are those week end mornings where my mom would make us giiigantic pancakes. Then we would eat them with a honey-butter mix, or some Nutella. These were sooo delicious. My mom and dad themselves are so into pancakes, especually Aunt Jemma’s one, cause the smell reminds them of their days in the States. Nothing beats a fluffy pancakes, with looots of syrup on top. Oh wait, maybe fruits AND syrup on top beats that up. Anyways, enough talking, here is an easy vegan recipe of pancakes. As it’s vegan, everyone can eat it, no excuse 🙄 Ingredients (makes 6-8) 1 1/4 cup flour…

  • Food,  Lifestyle,  Tips

    4 Handy Advices to Use in the Kitchen

    Using the kitchen can be messy; trust me, I bake. But I have also learned a few things along the way to make the whole experience more enjoyable. Hope you put these into place and cook succulent dishes 🙂 1- Wash the dishes as you cook/bake It is tempting to leave everything until the end – but you’ll just end up with a mountain of dirty plates and molds in the sink. If you have a dishwasher, put the washable dishes in there. If not, try to wash everything you use as soon as possible. Plus, you won’t have to suffer trying to remove 2– Place food in freezer bags…

  • Food


    “Msemen” or “rghaif” are a moroccan “crepe” made with mainly fine semolina. We usually eat them with a mix of melted butter and honey, but they’re good on their own as well, especially when still warm. Since I came to Canada, I like to put maple syrup on them. What’s nice with those crepes is that they can be veganized (if you use margarine or vegan butter) and only need 3 or 4 ingredients: fine semolina, flour, butter or margaribe, and sunflower oil (I personally only used margarine). When I lived in London, it was impossible to find them anywhere, and I wished I had tried making them sooner as…

  • Food

    Chocolate Protein Balls

    Guys. In the past to criminals in the Roman Empire, they used to attach each one of their limbs to a horse. Then order the horses to run in all directions. Ouch. I feel like life is trying to do that to me. So many things to do which have NOTHING to do with each other. Gotta process my simulations result. Prepare my french lessons (I’m a french teacher too). Work on the model of a CubeSat satellite we’re trying to send into space – if we win the competition – with ANOTHER team. On top of that I’m preparing for the Dobson cup. Now don’t get it wrong, I…

  • Food

    Homemade Gravy (Vegan)

    Ok so. Sorry for being MIA this past week. I was litterally drowning in equations! However, I did miss uploading on the blog and so, I’m starting with this vegan gravy, which can also be consummed as a soup 🙂 Look at this. Looks delicious? Imagine this gravy with a poutine, or even alone as a soup. I say yes!! Ingredients 2/3 cup of diced mushrooms (canned or boiled, keep the water)// 1 medium onion, boiled and diced // some black pepper, sea salt to taste // 1.5 tbsp of corn starch // 1/2 cup of mushroom water (used for boiling) + 1/2 cup of water OR 1/2 cup of…

  • Food

    Spiced Hot Chocolate (Vegan and refined-sugar free)

    For some weird reason, even though I love hot chocolate, I haven’t had it in aaaages. I still remember the many cosy nights during my first year in the UK, where I’d take a warm hot chocolate at my local Costa and find a comfy place to study. Or the many times my brother and I, as kids, would have Nesquik for breakfast. Oh sweet, chocolaty memories 🙂 The problem with industrial hot chocolate of course, is that it’s really high in sugar. I abide by a simple rule: I don’t buy cakes, hot chocolate or coffee mixes where sugar is the first ingredient. Cocoa and flour are ingredients –…