
Chocolate Protein Balls

Guys. In the past to criminals in the Roman Empire, they used to attach each one of their limbs to a horse. Then order the horses to run in all directions. Ouch. I feel like life is trying to do that to me. So many things to do which have NOTHING to do with each other. Gotta process my simulations result. Prepare my french lessons (I’m a french teacher too). Work on the model of a CubeSat satellite we’re trying to send into space – if we win the competition – with ANOTHER team. On top of that I’m preparing for the Dobson cup. Now don’t get it wrong, I like to have many opportunities and things to do on my hand. At least I feel…more, useful, you see?  All that to say, I have been procrastinating for days regarding this recipe. Hopefully I come back next week with more regular recipes 🙂 Thank you all for your patience and shine at whatever you’re doing right now, wherever you are xx



1 scoop protein chocolate powder // 1/4 cup cocoa powder // 1/2 cup ground almonds // 1/3 cup dates


Put some boiling water over the dates, previously diced in order for them to soften, then blend // add all ingredients to a bowl and mix until you have a thick paste // make small balls and put in the fridge for about 3 hours // leave in the fridge so the balls stay hard