Food,  Vegan

Beefless Ground Dish

Even though I’m not a vegan, I love to eat plant based proteins and I try to have a varied diet as much as possible 😊 Beefless ground is one of my favorite substitutes, so full of flavor, filling, and it mixes well with pretty much everything! I made this dish the other day and been having it for the last few days. The recipe serves 3-5 people.


– 3 medium carrots

– 2 1/4 cup soy protein

– 1 medium white onion

– 1 1/2 cup garden leas

– 1 tbsp of vegetable oil

– 6 tbsp + 1/4 cup of water

– 1 tbsp tomato paste

– Salt, Pepper, Garlic, and dried basilic to taste


1. Turn the heat to low. In a large pot add 1 tbsp of oil and 2 tbsp of water.

2. Dice the onion and add it to the pot until caramelized.

3. Dice the carotts and add them to the pan

4. Add the garden peas, then the soy protein to the pot and add 4 tbsp of water. Add the tomato paste and mix it in. Let simmer for 7 min while mixing. Add water 1 tbsp at a time if needed, so that food does not stick to the pot.

5. Add the spices and 1/4 cup of water. Let simmer for 5 more minutes.