Cauliflower and Cheese Mini-Pancakes (Low-Carb)
Basically, carbs are life but yes yes, low and no carb snacks can also be yummy 🙂 Take cauliflower for example. A vegetable not a lot of people love, but with the right spices and/or sauces, it can be super yummy. Here I added cheese, cause everyone loves cheese (I think) and it makes cauliflower less boring. I tend to put a minimal amount of salt as we grew up eatibg mostly salt-free food, but you can adjust the amount depending on your taste. Hope you like the recipe 🙂
Oriental Chickpeas with Tomatoes
I love simple meals (mainly because I have close to no patience when I’m hungry 😂) but the other day I felt like making something a little bit more sophisticated 😎 This chickpeas dish is full of flavor and can be taken on its own, as a side dish or with some basmati rice. Hope you like it!
Banana Bread Breakfast Muffins
By now you all know my love for bananas and banana bread 🙂 I made this refined-sugar free recipe the other day and it ended up delicious, not too sweet, which is good as I’ve never had too much of a sweet thooth.
Lemon Flaxseeds cake
I’m one of lemon cake biggest fan. Poppy seeds or not, icing or not, I’ll take it. But I also like some twists from time to time 🙂 I wanted to see how flaxseeds would influence the taste, and I am very happy with the result. Hope you’ll like it too 🙂 Now the cake is not too sweet and I would say the lemon taste is light however you can always add sugar or lemon juice depending on how you fell. but enough talking, let’s get into business! Ingredients 3/4 cup white flour // 1/2 cup ground flaxseeds // 3/4 tsp baking powder// 1/2 cup of granulated sugar (I…
Chocolate Protein Balls
Guys. In the past to criminals in the Roman Empire, they used to attach each one of their limbs to a horse. Then order the horses to run in all directions. Ouch. I feel like life is trying to do that to me. So many things to do which have NOTHING to do with each other. Gotta process my simulations result. Prepare my french lessons (I’m a french teacher too). Work on the model of a CubeSat satellite we’re trying to send into space – if we win the competition – with ANOTHER team. On top of that I’m preparing for the Dobson cup. Now don’t get it wrong, I…
Since I moved to Canada, I’ve been so obsessed with fall, and doing all the activities related to it. It’s probably because I have always lived in countries where the fall season is not that obvious. I am still amazed at the beautiful orange/red/yellow shades of leaves. To celebrate fall and pumpkins, I prepared these cupcakes the other day. Look at this cute little tower (NB: they may or may not have fell after I took this picture). Here is the recipe 🙂 Ingredients 1/2 cup of wholewheat flour // 1/4 cup of white flour // 1tsp of baking powder // 40g of brown sugar // 2 egg whites…
Veggie Summer Springrolls
I can’t believe we’re already halfway through Ramadan, woohoo! Anyway, I am still at home meaning still on full mode turtle. Mornings starting at 3pm, like aaaahhh! So good to be back home. I don’t even wanna go back to London ever again. Actually, I do a little bit. See, I’ve bought this book with the 100 best cafés in London. I spent like 4 years there and just realized there are plenty of amazing cafés I haven’t been to yet. Now the thing is Ramadan ends on the 5th of july, meaning it’s gonna be a real marathon to try and check out all these amazing places. No worries,…
Sugar-free, Vegan Blueberries and Apple Pie
I once said I don’t have a sweet tooth. Which is true. But I also love to experiment in the kitchen, and see what I can come up with. I used some blueberries the other day to make a sorbet, and I was left with half of the bag. I then saw a picture of this blueberries pie somewhere on the internet, and I was inspired to do prepare a pie 🙂 So there you go, gonna share the goodness with you!  Ingredients  For the crust: 1 cup rice flour // 2/3 cups self-raising flour // 4 tbsp of coconut oil // 1/4-1/2 cup of water, to bind the dough  For…
Healthy Carrot Cake
Ok. Maybe it’s just the effect of intense revisions and deadlines. But my energy has been on a roller coaster lately. Blame having meals at odd hours and weird sleeping patterns. Anyway, decided to bake a delicous carrot cake full of nutrients to help me cope with that. Because come on let’s admit it, all foods are waaaay sexier when they come in the shape of cakes :’). What I loved about this cake is, even though the texture is not totally like the one of a “regular cake” – cause hey less sugar, it is still enjoyable. Ingredients 110 g of regular flour 3/4 tsp of baking powder 160g…
French Beans, Tomatoes, Soy Mince & Carrots Pasta Dish
Finally found the time to sit down and write this 🙂 (perks of studying engineering I guess!). I found soya mince at my local Tesco the other day and decided to give it a try: no regrets! Was absolutely delicious and although it tastes obviously different that beef or lamb, it is perfect as an alternative to meat based bolognese 🙂 Ingredients – One can (400g) of chopped tomatoes – 2 medium carrots – 300g of french beans – 200g of mince (I used soy mince, but meat mince is also fine) – 1.5 cups of wholewheat fusili pasta (or any other kind, gluten-free pasta can also be used)  …