
Oriental Chickpeas with Tomatoes

I love simple meals (mainly because I have close to no patience when I’m hungry 😂) but the other day I felt like making something a little bit more sophisticated 😎 This chickpeas dish is full of flavor and can be taken on its own, as a side dish or with some basmati rice. Hope you like it!

[recipe title="Oriental Chickpea Tomatoes Dish" servings="4" time="40min" difficulty="easy" description="Easy vegetarian chickpeas dish, perfect on its own or with rice"]

– 1 can (475ml) drained chickpeas
– 2 cup finelly sliced tomatoes
– 1/3 cup finelly cut parsley
– 1.5 tsp ginger ginger
– 2 tsp paprika
– 2 tsp pepper
– 1 tsp salt
– 2 medium onions, finelly diced
РSome butter to saut̩ the onions
– 1.5 tbsp lemon juice

1. Sauté the onions in a greased pan until they are caramelized
2. Add the chickpeas and the tomatoes. Cover and simmer for 15 min on low to medium heat
3. Add the spices and let simmer for another 7 min
4. Add the lemon juice and remove the cover. Simmer for 5-10 min
5. Serve on its own as a starter, side dish, or with some steamed basmati rice
