• Food

    Lemon Flaxseeds cake

    I’m one of lemon cake biggest fan. Poppy seeds or not, icing or not, I’ll take it. But I also like some twists from time to time 🙂 I wanted to see how flaxseeds would influence the taste, and I am very happy with the result. Hope you’ll like it too 🙂 Now the cake is not too sweet and I would say the lemon taste is light however you can always add sugar or lemon juice depending on how you fell. but enough talking, let’s get into business! Ingredients 3/4 cup white flour // 1/2 cup ground flaxseeds // 3/4 tsp baking powder// 1/2 cup of granulated sugar (I…

  • Uncategorized

    Breakfast on muffins

    Breakfast is the coolest meal of the day, hands down. Particulary when english muffins are involved (I just love them so much). I made this the other day as an afternoon snack, but it’s definitely most suitable for brekkie, with a cuppa or some coffee. It’s also perfect as a post-workout snack.  Hope you like it 🙂 Ingredients 1 english muffin //  1 large egg // 2 tbsp of milk // a pinch of salt // 1/4 of an apple // 2 tbsp of cream cheese or ricotta cheese // 1 tsp of honey // 1 tsp of sunflower seeds Instructions Spread some butter on the muffins, then place them on a…

  • Food

    Chocolate Protein Balls

    Guys. In the past to criminals in the Roman Empire, they used to attach each one of their limbs to a horse. Then order the horses to run in all directions. Ouch. I feel like life is trying to do that to me. So many things to do which have NOTHING to do with each other. Gotta process my simulations result. Prepare my french lessons (I’m a french teacher too). Work on the model of a CubeSat satellite we’re trying to send into space – if we win the competition – with ANOTHER team. On top of that I’m preparing for the Dobson cup. Now don’t get it wrong, I…

  • Food

    Irish soda bread

    We all love the smell of homemade bread straight of the oven. However, we don’t like to knead it, and then waaaait for the dough the rise, then turn it into the desired shape, and then wait agaaaain for it to rise. Oh and did I mention baking AND cooling time ? Yeah, can’t be bothered. That’s when the Irish came to save our lives. No, not with green beer, but with soda bread. In a few days, make sure to thank St.Patrick for soda bread. Amen. Cause well, ain’t nobody got the time to wait. Yes yes, you can make bread using baking soda. Don’t believe me ? Try it…

  • Food

    Gofundme campaign and startup

    Ok. I did it. I launched a gofundme campaign. I finally took the first step towards making my dream a reality. I wish I could say I could bake before I could crawl, but that won’t be true (but oh so cool). As you all know, baking in my passion. It relaxes me and nothing is more fun than twisting my favorite recipes or trying healthier versions. As a student I’m always on the go, and found that most snacks available on the market are either too expensive or simply unhealthy and highly processed. I see to change that, through SimpleBakes: by bringing daily, vegan, homemade, affordable, snacks to the…