Peanut Butter Cupcakes
Everytime someone tells me they hate peanut butter, I look at them with my eyes wide open. Yes yes, it’s full of fat and calories but then again, what would a PB&Jam toast be without peanut butter (a jam toast, I get ya). Anyways, the other day I was bored (understand procrastinating) and decided to use the PB powder I had recently bought. PB powder has got like a fourth of regular PB calories, so even though it doesn’t taste exactly like the real thing, it’s a good option for health conscious people or those who just love PB too much *cough* even though they’re allergic *cough* and wanna eat…
Vegan Blueberry Oats Pancakes
Don’t know what to eat for breakfast ? Ditch your boring toast or cereals and make some pancakes full of goodness ❤
Healthy Apple Crumble
Who else loves apple crumble ? I honestly love anything with apples, especially baked, and crumble with warm custard is one of my weaknessez. Now obviously, crumble is pretty much lots of butter and sugar so it’s good to twist the recipe from time to time – though I must say nothing beats the original recipe 😊 Hope you like this lighter version x [recipe-instructions] 1. Peel and dice the apple. Mix it with 1 tsp brown sugar and 1 tsp cinnamon then divide in 4 cupcake cups and place in a cupcake tray 2. Prepare the top of the crumble: mix the oats, sugar, butter, and applesauce, then…
Cauliflower and Cheese Mini-Pancakes (Low-Carb)
Basically, carbs are life but yes yes, low and no carb snacks can also be yummy 🙂 Take cauliflower for example. A vegetable not a lot of people love, but with the right spices and/or sauces, it can be super yummy. Here I added cheese, cause everyone loves cheese (I think) and it makes cauliflower less boring. I tend to put a minimal amount of salt as we grew up eatibg mostly salt-free food, but you can adjust the amount depending on your taste. Hope you like the recipe 🙂
Vegan Creamy Coconut Mushrooms on Toast
Oriental Chickpeas with Tomatoes
I love simple meals (mainly because I have close to no patience when I’m hungry 😂) but the other day I felt like making something a little bit more sophisticated 😎 This chickpeas dish is full of flavor and can be taken on its own, as a side dish or with some basmati rice. Hope you like it!
Chocolate Protein Balls
Guys. In the past to criminals in the Roman Empire, they used to attach each one of their limbs to a horse. Then order the horses to run in all directions. Ouch. I feel like life is trying to do that to me. So many things to do which have NOTHING to do with each other. Gotta process my simulations result. Prepare my french lessons (I’m a french teacher too). Work on the model of a CubeSat satellite we’re trying to send into space – if we win the competition – with ANOTHER team. On top of that I’m preparing for the Dobson cup. Now don’t get it wrong, I…
Gofundme campaign and startup
Ok. I did it. I launched a gofundme campaign. I finally took the first step towards making my dream a reality. I wish I could say I could bake before I could crawl, but that won’t be true (but oh so cool). As you all know, baking in my passion. It relaxes me and nothing is more fun than twisting my favorite recipes or trying healthier versions. As a student I’m always on the go, and found that most snacks available on the market are either too expensive or simply unhealthy and highly processed. I see to change that, through SimpleBakes: by bringing daily, vegan, homemade, affordable, snacks to the…