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    Coconut and Vanilla Light Cake

    I called this cake light because, even though there is a little bit of sugar (aka granulated fructose) and some oil, the quantities are small enough to enjoy it as a guilt-free treat. Also, I believe in balance. The recipe serves 12 and so, I’d take one or two slices depending on how I feel :). This is also a macro friendly recipe and each slice has approximately 123 calories. Hope you like it, let me know in the comments below what you think and how I can improve it xx Ingredients (serves 12): 3/4 cup self-raising flour 2 tbsp olive oil 1/4 cup granulated fructose or sugar (any kind) 2…

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    Oats and Popcorn Energy Bars

    Ok so, I absolutely love energy bars. Not something I snack on regularly, as I prefer fruits (which fill me up better) but sometimes you just need a change 🙂 For this recipe I literally just mixed in whatever I had. That’s how it goes, usually, when I’m cooking or baking. I love to experiment with flavors and change quantities of ingredients (on that note, please remind me to avoid making sugar-free chocolate cakes for New Year’s Eve. Or add too much cocoa and not enough sweetener. The look on my mom and brother’s faces after the first bite was epic. 2015 will definitely be remembered). Enough talking, here’s the…

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    Quick coconut milk vegetable stew

    So…as a third year student, deciding what to eat is usually very problematic! And for someone with a big appetite as I, thinking about food probably makes up half of my thought of the day (the other half being made of shopping and studies 🙂 ). Anyway…they say pasta is lazy students favorite dish. I disagree. Completely. I guess I am another level of lazy then, cause a quick tomato-lettuce-cucumber-tuna-betroot salad will do for me when I am in a rush. Takes 5 minutes, litterally. Nothing wrong, cause I looooove veggies. Even plain veggies, without any sauces. I love the taste of boiled veggies, so it’s not an issue for…

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    A Date with Myself

    As I’m sitting on my bed, catching up on some Glee episodes, alone in my room, the following question is hasling me: is it actually possible to have fun with your- and only yourself ? You see I highly cherish the precious moments I spend with my friends at the mall, at the movies, or even at the kitchen, laughing at some kind of dumb jokes. However, there are as many things that bring us together as things that set us apart, and I think this is a true blessing. I have understood a long time ago that I may have interests not all my friends share. In this case what do…

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    Hej! Visit to the Venice of Scandinavia.

    Hej- Hi in swedish. So as planned I went this week-end to Stockholm with 3 of my favorite friends. The feeling of being in the top of the world (as in from a North-South perspective) was totally unbelievable. Such an amazing experience, I really love how there’s water everywhere 🙂 Yes, we’ve got the Thames here in London-but that’s not the same thing. The Venice of Scandinavia is much more different. What I enoyed the most ? The friendly people and the pretty monuments. And what I disliked ? Umm I would say the cold but that shouldn’t even prevent you from visiting Stockholm. Forget about the clichés, Sweden is…

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    Cinema, Canary Wharf, Bus issues, Gravity and Freeziness.

    I went to watch Gravity in 3D with 3 of my amazing friends. AMAAAAAAZING. Actually, it was just breath taking. And how our Mother Earth looks gorgeous from the sky 😉 I did not manage to locate my country on the planet though. Whatever, not only the psychological side of the movie was just “woooow” and you would really think you were Ryan (Sandra Bullock) sometimes, but this is one of the few Hollywood movies which has a moral: no matter what happens, never lose faith and know you’ll manage to get back on your feet.

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    First article :)

    Hey, I’m a little bit new on this! Okay so basically I need to share with you some good news ! I’m going to Sweden next month. I can’t wait! As you’ll discover in the future, I absolutely loooove discovering new places – all around the world! Time to go, but I’ll surely be back. Hopefully I’ll find something interesting enough to write 🙂